
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Dip pot irrigation-science project

This is an  adaptation of  an  ancient method of low cost irrigation.It uses the porous nature of clay potsto allow osmotic pressure to suck the water into the soil where it is needed.People use beautiful fired.witha narrow  neck buried  in  the  soil . This technology consists of  using clay pots and porous capsules to improve irrigation  practices by  increasing  storage and improving the distribution of  water in the soil. It is not  new, it  was  used by  the Romans for  many centuries. This  ancient  irrigation  system has been modernized and  reapplied  in  water scarce  areas.Get hold of an ordinary 25 cm (10 inch) terracotta pot.Plug the hole with a cork.Bury it almost up to its neck in the soil but not too deep so that soil falls intothe pot. Fill it with water. Add a terracotta lid.

    Plant seedlings or sow seeds18 inches around the base of the pot.Water will slowly seep out through the clay wall of  the pot, directly  irrigating  the  soil  around  the  pot. As  the  roots grow  they  will  wrap themselves around the pot. The  plants  takes  up almost all the water, and because the water source is now in the ground, evaporation is almost nil.

            Keep the pot filled up and you will provide a steady source of irrigation when your plants need it.

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